Behdad  Panjehzadeh

Born: 5 May 1978, Kermanshah, Iran.


2012: M.A., Faculty  of  Art, Shahed  University, Tehran, Iran.

2003: B.A., Faculty  of  Fine Art, Tehran  University, Tehran, Iran.

Solo Exhibition:

2011: My Dream, Shahed  Art  Gallery, Tehran, Iran.

2003: Nature, Tehran Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran.

2003: Nature, Sheiss Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran.

2003: Photography of  Tekie  Moaven Al-Molk,  Sheiss Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran.

2003: Nature & Abstract ,Tehran  Art  Gallery, Tehran, Iran.

2003: Figurative & Abstract,Tehran Gallery, Tehran, Iran.

2002: Nature, Sheiss Art Gallery, Tehran,Iran.

2001: Abstract ,  Sheiss Art Gallery,Tehran, Iran.

2001: Blue, Sheiss Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran.

2000: Nature, Sheiss Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran.

1993: Figure,Landscape & Still Life, Center of  Visual  Art , Kermanshah, Iran.

Selected  Group Exhibition:

2011: The  International  Festival of  Resistance, Saba Culture  Centre, Tehran, Iran.

2008: Nature, Melal Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran.

2007 : Dream  & Nature,Melal Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran.

2006: Human  &  Environment , Melal Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran.

2004: Benevolence  & Beneficence, Sheiss Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran.

2002:  Javad Hamidi  & Teacher’s Day, Sheiss Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran.

2001: Contemporary  Artists  , Sheiss Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran.

2001: Abstract, Tehran  Art  Gallery, Tehran, Iran.

2001: Uinity of  Music, Sheiss Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran.

2000: Fight & Peace  , Sheiss Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran.

1996: Young  Painters  of  Kermanshah , Avini  Cultural  Center, Kermanshah, Iran.

1995: Figurative  Painters,Avini  Cultural  Center, Kermanshah, Iran.

1994: Figurative & Abstract, Center of  Visual  Art , Kermanshah, Iran.

1993: Nature of  Kermanshah, Center of  Visual  Art , Kermanshah, Iran.


2011: The  International  Festival  of  Resistance, Saba Culture  Centre, Tehran, Iran.

Art Fair:

2004: Real  & Human , Niavaran Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran.

2003:Academic  Painters,  Tehran Art  Gallery, Tehran, Iran.

Selected Awards:

2011: Second Prize &  Diploma of  Honor, The  International  Festival  of  Resistance, Saba Culture  Center, Tehran, Iran.

1997: Diploma of  Honor, 10th Festival  of Young's , Orumieh, Iran.

1996: First  Prize & Diploma of  Honor, Cultural & Artistic  Festival  of  Students, Tehran, Iran.

1995: First  Prize  &  Diploma of  Honor , 4th  Festival  of  Students, Tehran,Iran.

1994: Third  Prize  &  Diploma of  Honor, 3th  Festival  of Students, Mash ad,Iran.  

1992: First  Prize  &  Diploma of  Honor, 1th  Festival of  Students, Tehran,Iran.  


Researches  & Articles:

1)    “Comparative  study  of  spatial  simultaneity  in  Persian  Painting  and  Picasso  Cubist  Painting “

Scientific Journal  of  Motaleat-e Tatbighi-e  Honar (Biannual) Comparative               Study  of Art ,Vol.3,No.6,Fall &Winter 2013-2014.

ISSN2345-3842,  http://www.

2)    “Comparative study  about  spatial  simultaneity  in  Persian  Painting  on  the  basis  of  Boccioni  Painting  with  futurism  style”

Journal  of  Basic  and  Applied  Scientific  Research,3(8)432-442,2013 ISSN2090-4304,